There is nothing like taking the passion you have for a hobby and turning it into a business venture, ivi is such a venture. It is a matter of taking charge of your own destiny, with little capital to buy a existing business or set up a physical presence, being online is the best way to offer our service to business. Taking ivi online, we wish to share our experience in creating beautiful functional websites by reaching hundreds of customers – plus, we can keep our pricing highly competitive because of low overheads. We intend to stand out on the quality and value combination of services, with an excellent hosting product and a solid understanding of business needs we have learned what it takes to start take this business online and succeed.
WEBcraft. We think this word to defines our services best, with so many diverse aspects to the online landscape finding nuggets of gold to share with our customers is a craft in itself. Having access to possibly millions of customers is not a matter of just taking a “build it, they will come” attitude, as you have a lot more competition. No matter how good you are there are hundreds of businesses who have a similar idea. So what differentiates our product from everyone else’s? Service, attitude, reliability, proven track record these are the traits we intend to compete at.
- Design – We have access to the best minds in the world that think design, creatives that love to create.
- Hosting – Our Auckland based Server ar 99.95% online with back up facilities overseas. Service that provides regular backups and communication ready for all service needs.
- Branding – Taking your brand from design to public recognition is a matter of having creative insight that commits to being in touch with moving perspectives from customers.
- Development – Our craft includes the ability to take your ideas and develop them into processes that can link your WEB presence and your business workflow.
- SEO – Optimising the design take you to a natural progressive ability to optimise your reach and rank on this thing we call the World Wide Web.
Our designs are elegant and funky, and can be classical or hip, your online presence will reflect not only what you are selling but who you are as a business culture. Always professional. We will design yours presence that will earn people’s trust as if they were dealing with you in person, your website will be a virtual sales person selling for you. Our sites will be engaging, and most importantly, easy to.
Getting your site design to match your products and services is our speciality. If you have a need for custom photography to create an online portfolio our industry connection allow us to work with some of the best photographers in the industry. Our programmers specializes in Javascript, PHP, CSS, .NET, WordPress, other skills are easily adopted or commissioned as and when required.
Our professional designers are more than up to the task, we can also design ecommerce websites either from scratch or from functional and proven templates.
When designing your site we will be mindful of the ultimate goal which is to make your site simple and easy to use. Customers should not be taking more than 2 clicks to land on the page where they can make a decision to purchase your product and we apply this as our methodology. The top of every page will have a link to your shopping cart if it’s an ecommerce store and buttons will be large and clear to read.
If you are a start-up we can offer you Logo Design services to make sure your logo at the top of the page
These are just some of our consideration, our thought on design and attitude toward taking your site and making it work for you.
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